Stop rubbing your eyes!
You don’t have pink eye.
It’s your TV, it’s just…pink.
While we’re not doctors, we’re sure we can find a way to fix your TV.
Keep reading to discover:
- How to configure your color settings.
- How magnets can break your screen.
- 5 reasons why your TV screen is pink and how to fix it.
- What is the HDMI handshake issue and how it affects your TV.
- And so much more…
Why is my TV screen pink?
Your TV screen is pink because of an HDMI handshake issue. Broken internals like the backlight or the ribbon cables might also be the reason. Your screen can also be pink because of an electromagnetic interference near your TV. If not any of these, the issue might simply be your color settings.
Pink TV screen: 5 causes & fixes
#1: HDMI handshake issue
When your screen has some form of discoloration, the culprit is almost always HDMI.
HDMI allows your TV to connect to other devices. However, when this connection is unstable, it leads to a lot of different problems.
This disconnect is called the HDMI handshake issue. It’s called that because the HDMI can’t properly connect. Like shaking a left hand with a right hand.
You can get this problem because of:
- Bad HDMI cable.
- Broken or dirty HDMI ports.
- Output resolution doesn’t match source resolution.
This issue can manifest as flickering in your display or discoloration. Usually in a pink or purple hue.
What you can do
The first thing you need to do is to troubleshoot where your connection failed.
CIE-group, an AV company, tells us that the proper way to troubleshoot an HDMI connection is to:
- Try an alternative cable.
- Test your original cable with the same source but a different display.
- Test your original cable with the same display but a different source.
- Test your system with the same source and display, but with a shorter cable.
This way you can properly rule possibilities out methodically. Then you can make a solution out of your problem.
Usually, the problem can be easily solved by cleaning your HDMI port or buying a new cable.
Furthermore, check your device’s resolution and output settings.
Make sure that it’s always at Auto so that your TV can automatically translate the source’s resolution. This also takes care of other settings such as refresh rate mismatch.
#2: Backlight problem
Do you know how you can adjust your TV’s brightness?
The backlight of your TV serves as its flashlight. Think of it as several lines of diodes that cover the back of your screen.
The backlight is separate from the display of your TV. The backlight only produces light to illuminate the image. It doesn’t make the image.
When a diode breaks, light seeps through the other diodes. This can cause a complete shut down of the entire strip.
Or it can cause discoloration in the nearby diodes.
What you can do
Open the back of your TV. Are the sides emitting pink light? If so, this could mean that your backlight is dying and needs replacement.
Fortunately, replacing the backlight array is not as complicated as it seems.
Here’s how you can change a TV’s backlight array by yourself:
- Order a new backlight array that is compatible with your TV.
- Open the back of your TV.
- Remove the casing that holds your backlight array.
- Gently remove the old backlight strips. Be careful as they will be taped on the back of your TV with an adhesive.
- Replace the old adhesive with new adhesive or double-sided tape.
- Following the lines of the new adhesive, carefully place your new backlight strips.
If you’re not comfortable with opening your TV, it’s okay. You can always contact a customer service representative to fix your TV.
If you still have your warranty, this is also an option as it also lessens the risk of further damaging your TV.
#3: Color correction issue

When your TV suffers from discoloration, don’t panic.
Sometimes, the issue is just as simple as your color settings.
If you live with other people in our home, they might sometimes change the color settings.
Some of us even forget that we changed it a few days ago. (It happens. It’s okay.)
Furthermore, some TVs use light sensors to change your color settings. They do this by assessing your surroundings and adjusting your TV based on them.
What you can do
When the issue is your color correction, all you need to do is adjust your preferences in the settings menu.
Before you change your color settings, you must turn off Retail Mode or Demo Mode first. These settings automatically reset your TV to its factory settings after every reset.
In LG TVs, you can do this by:
- Press the ‘Settings’ button on your remote.
- Select ‘General’.
- Choose ‘Devices’.
- Click ‘TV’.
- Under ‘Home/Store Mode’, press ‘Home Mode’.
In Samsung TVs, you need to:
- Open ‘Settings’.
- Go to ‘General’.
- Select ‘System Manager’.
- Choose ‘Usage Mode’.
- Then press ‘Home Mode’.
After this, you can change the color settings by simply navigating through your menu.
For Samsung TVs, you can tune your color settings under the ‘Picture’ settings.
Note: Pink TV screens manifest in warmer color temperatures. Adjust your settings to make your picture cooler.
#4: Electromagnetic interference
Magnets are bad for your TV screen.
Yes, really.
When a magnet is brought close to a TV, the electrons inside your device will start to move aimlessly. This will then cause the electrons to hit your screen repeatedly. This can destroy the display of your screen.
This is why your screen gets distorted or discolored when exposed to magnets.
But, electromagnetic interference (EMI) isn’t just caused by magnets.
Has there been a thunderstorm in your area? If it’s near enough, this can create an EMI in your TV.
It may also be because of your power cord. A broken power cable has been known to cause EMI in LCD screens without EMI shielding.
What you can do
If your problem is that an EMI is messing up your screen, the first thing to try is to power cycle your TV. You can easily do this by:
- Turn the device off.
- Unplug the TV.
- Press the power button on your TV for 15 seconds.
- Plug your TV back in.
- Open your TV.
For more information about power cycling, consult this video:
However, power cycling might not be enough to demagnetize a TV.
You can remove all residual magnetism inside your TV using a degaussing magnet.
Here’s one way you can use a degaussing magnet:
- Remove all other magnetic materials near your TV.
- Fashion the magnet into a bar.
- Hold the magnet close to the center of the TV. Rainbow bars should begin showing up on your screen.
- Rotate the magnet while moving further away from the TV.
- Do this 3 times, or until all rainbow marks are removed from your TV.
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#5: Faulty ribbon connection
Do you ever wonder how the parts of your TV communicate?
This is possible through the ribbon cables. Think of it as thin copper cords that run through the back of your TV.
These cables resemble ribbons, hence the name. While it may be thin, it’s actually one of the most important parts of the TV.
When a ribbon cable that’s connected to the display is damaged, it can manifest in different ways. Usually, it’s visual snow across your screen or a complete screen blackout.
It can also be a long pink vertical line that multiplies every couple of days.
What you can do
It may seem intimidating, but you might find that replacing a ribbon cable is easier than you thought. All you need to do is:
- Buy a ribbon cable compatible with your device.
- Flip the tab up on the ribbon connector using your finger.
- Gently remove the ribbon. Be careful not to hit any pins.
- Guide the new ribbon into the connector by matching the line prints.
- Close the tab using your fingers.