Oh, man. The scene’s getting intense.
Grab popcorn. The killer’s there…
And the protagonist asks his friend:
“Shh, can you hear that?”
He shakes his head. And so do I.
In fact, after that, I couldn’t hear anything. At all.
As it turns out, the lead survives this movie…
But my Roku’s sound doesn’t.
Keep reading to discover:
- 9 simple steps to fix a Roku TV without sound.
- A detailed guide to resetting your Roku to fix the muted audio.
- 4 fantastic soundbars to replace your broken built-in speakers.
- What’s Private Listening, and how it can take away your Roku’s volume.
- And so much more…
Why does my Roku TV have no sound?
Your Roku TV has no sound because of glitches, bad cache, or the Mute button. Settings like a disabled speaker or Private Listening can also cause muted audio. Outdated firmware may also turn off your TV’s volume. Lastly, your Roku’s internal speakers might be broken.
Roku TV no sound: 9 simple steps to fix it (troubleshooting guide)
Step #1: Power cycle your TV
Do you know the first step to solving your audio problems?
Or the first step to solving any electronics issue known to man?
It’s to restart your device.
Now, I can already hear you in my head:
“Peter, I tried that already. It didn’t work.”
Sure. But did you try it correctly?
Here’s what you need to do:
- Shut your TV down.
- Unplug it from the socket.
- Standby for 30 seconds.
- Plug it back in.
- Turn on your TV.
This process is what professionals call a power cycle.
Turning your TV off by pushing the Power button won’t truly turn it off…
It’ll just put them into Standby Mode.
That’s why you need to get rid of the charges on your TV.
Which can then reset all the stuck processes and errors on your Roku.
That’s what a power cycle is.
Step #2: Unmute Roku TV
Have you heard of Occam’s Razor?
It suggests that the most obvious solution is sometimes the right one.
You simply haven’t thought about it yet.
For your Roku?
Have you tried unmuting it yet?
If so, press the Mute button on your remote.
Step #3: Check other channels and inputs
Next up on our troubleshooting guide:
Check if this is an isolated problem.
What do I mean by that?
You need to figure out if it happens on the entirety of your TV…
Or if it’s only on 1 channel or app.
How can you check that?
Simple. Switch to other apps or channels.
And, if it’s on only 1 of them, then what you should do is:
For apps
The most likely reason why an app doesn’t have a sound?
Glitches from a bad cache.
In this case, all you have to do is clear its cache:
- Tap the Home button on your remote.
- Press these buttons in this exact order: Home x5, Up, Rewind x2, Fast Forward x2.
- Restart your Roku.
Not only will this clear the cache of the app in question…
But all cache on your Roku TV.
For channel
When a channel doesn’t have a sound…
It’s either a problem on their end.
Or you need to rescan your channels.
And this is how you can do that:
- Press Home on your remote.
- Go to Settings.
- Head to TV Inputs.
- Choose Antenna TV or Broadcast TV.
- Select Set Up Input or Scan for Channels.
Step #4: Enable your TV speakers
Say, you have speakers.
Question is:
Have you enabled them yet?
“Wait, I need to do that?”
Well, yes and no.
If you set up your TV properly, there’s no need.
However, things go wrong.
And sometimes, you don’t even notice when they do.
So, to fix this issue, you must:
- Press Settings on your Roku remote.
- Head to Audio.
- Select Speakers.
- Toggle it on.
Step #5: Disable Private Listening
If you’re anything like me…
Then you also probably take your earphones everywhere with you.
Personally? I take it up a notch.
You see, I’m up much later than my family.
And the walls are thin at our house.
I must be quiet when I want to use our TV for late-night watch parties.
Unfortunately, speakers can be too loud.
So I make do with my headphones. And the Private Listening feature on Roku.
As the name suggests, Private Listening allows you to use headphones for Roku. You just need to connect them to your phone.
Cool, right?
Sometimes, I forget to turn it off the next day.
And maybe you are too.
So, follow these 4 easy instructions to turn on or turn off Private Listening:
- Download the Roku app. (Available on Android or iOS.)
- Select your TV from the device list.
- Go to Remote.
- Press the Headphone icon to activate or deactivate Private Listening.
Step #6: Update your Roku firmware

Like my granddad always liked to say:
“Keep moving forward.”
The same goes for your Roku TV.
And how can a TV move forward, you ask?
By updating its firmware.
Firmware is pieces of code written for each part of your TV.
Thing is:
Outdated firmware could cause all manners of glitches on your TV, like:
- Black screen.
- Flickering screen.
- Apps not working.
- Screen discoloration.
- Not being able to connect to a network.
And, of course, no sounds.
There are 2 ways to update your Roku TV:
Through settings
- Press Home on your remote.
- Go to Settings.
- Under System, head to System Update.
- Select Check Now.
This should trigger an update of your Roku TV.
With a flash drive
Now, what if your Roku can’t connect to an internet service?
What should you do?
Use a flash drive.
Strap in. This process is a bit time-consuming.
But I promise you I’ll make it as easy to understand as possible.
To start:
- Get a flash drive with at least 2 Gb of free space.
- Go to this website and enter your Roku TV model.
- Select Download Software.
- Copy the downloaded file into the root folder of your flash drive.
- Insert the flash drive into your TV’s USB port.
- On your Roku TV, go to Settings.
- Under Settings, head to System.
- Press System Update, and then I Can’t Connect. There should be a 12-digit code on your screen.
- Copy the 12-digit code to the prompt on your PC.
- Get the 6-digit code on your PC.
- Enter the 6-digit code to the prompt on your Roku.
And, done.
Now, I know that process was a little bit confusing…
So, I took the liberty of looking for a video that you can watch along with the written instructions:
Step #7: Factory reset
When you can’t figure out what’s causing the glitch on your Roku…
Why not get rid of everything?
That way, your Roku TV’s back to square one.
No more glitches. No more errors.
Factory reset your TV.
Trust me. A clean start could be good for your device.
Not only will it gets its voice back…
It’ll also be faster than before.
Convinced? Great.
Now, factory reset your TV with these instructions:
- Press Home on your remote.
- Head to Settings.
- Under System, go to Advanced System Settings.
- Select Factory Reset.
- Tap Factory Reset Everything.
All that’s left to do is follow the directions on your TV, and the reset is done.
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Step #8: Buy external speakers
What if the problem isn’t software…
But hardware?
Let me explain…
Built-in speakers are often unreliable.
So, what should you do?
Get external speakers.
“Speakers are expensive, Peter.”
I disagree. They’re only expensive if you want them to be.
There are a lot of affordable but fantastic speakers out there.
Personally, I recommend:
Step #9: Get in touch with Roku or the TV’s manufacturer

The last step to fix your Roku TV?
Ask for help.
From whom?
You can contact Roku here.
Or, you can also call the manufacturer of the Roku TV you’re using.
Here’s the contact page for all the brands that manufacture Roku TVs: