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Roku Blinking White Light: 5 Quick & Easy Fixes (2023)

Roku Blinking White Light

Blinking lights?

It’s fun in a club, that’s for sure.

But, in your Roku?

Oh boy, it likely signals an issue. 

So, what does a blinking white light in your Roku mean?

And how do you fix it?

You’re about to discover:

  • 5 ways to fix the blinking white light error.
  • The causes of blinking white light on Roku.
  • When to contact Roku for blinking white lights.
  • And a lot more…

Why is my Roku blinking white light?

Your Roku is blinking white light because it may have lost its Internet connection. It could also be due to outdated firmware or a disconnected cable. In most cases, restarting your Roku device can solve the issue. Otherwise, ensure you’re connected to the Internet, and your cables are working.

Roku blinking white light: 5 fixes

#1: Reset your Roku device

Before going through the lengths of troubleshooting…

Why not take the easiest route first?

So all the complicated stuff aside, restart your Roku device first.

Get your remote…

And do the following to reboot the system:

  1. Press ‘Home’ on the remote.
  2. Scroll through the options and select ‘Settings.’
  3. Select ‘System’ > ‘Power.’
  4. Then, click on ‘System restart.’
  5. Wait for the process to finish.

Once your Roku is up and running…

Check if the blinking white light is gone. And see if you don’t have any more issues.

Otherwise, consider doing a factory reset.

How to reset factory settings

Warning: A factory reset will:

  • Log out your account from the device.
  • Wipe out your apps and login credentials.
  • Clear your user-specific and app-specific settings.

With that, do you still want to commit to this process?

If you insist…

Then, all I can do is make sure you’re doing it right.

Moving on, we have first the easier option of resetting…

Which you can complete in 2 easy steps:

  1. Find the ‘Reset’ button on your device.

It’s either a tactile button or a pinhole, in which case you’ll need a pin or paperclip.

  1. Press and hold for about 10 seconds.

Once the process is over, most Roku devices will display rapid blinking lights.

If your Roku device isn’t physically accessible…

Then you can always use the remote to reset your device:

  1. Press the ‘Home’ button.
  2. Select ‘Settings’ > ‘System.’ 
  3. Go to ‘Advanced system settings.’
  4. Choose ‘Factory reset.’
  5. If applicable, select ‘Factory reset everything.’
  6. Confirm and follow the on-screen prompts.

Like I said above, this process brings back your Roku to its initial settings.

So remember to set up your personal preferences again.

Next, set up the parental controls from scratch and install your favorite apps.

Moreover, you have to input your login credentials again. 

For more information on resetting your Roku, watch this video:

#2: Check your internet connection

Are you facing consistent problems with your internet service providers?

If so, you’re not alone.

Did you know? A report states that providers struggled with providing consistent service.


Because of the sudden and increased demand for work-from-home and distance learning setups.

That’s why it doesn’t hurt to check this angle first.

So do you want to know if your internet is working?

Then initiate an internet check on your Roku by doing these steps:

  1. On the remote, press the ‘Home’ button.
  2. Select ‘Settings’.
  3. Click on ‘Network’.
  4. Choose ‘Check connection.’

If it doesn’t appear to be working, check with your devices, as well. 

All you have to do is use your smartphone or laptop. And connect to your home network.

First, make sure you’ve turned off the data. Then see if you can access the internet.

So are the other devices unable to connect to the internet, too?

Then your problem lies with your internet service provider. As such, they should resolve your issue.

But before calling up your ISP, though, try the following tip first.

Reboot/reset your Wi-Fi router

Your Roku isn’t the only device that might need a refresh.

So your Wi-Fi router might be due for a simple reboot.

Here’s how to restart your device:

  1. Unplug your router (and modem, if it’s a separate unit).
  2. Wait for around 30 seconds.

Plug both devices back in.

  1. Wait another 60 seconds or until the lights become green.

At this stage, the router or modem is communicating with the ISP.

Once it’s back on, test the internet again using Roku and other devices.

Still not working?

But do you have a strong suspicion the issue is within the router? 

Then you may want to try a complete reset.

So get a pin or a paperclip…

And check how to reset your Wi-Fi here:

  1. Find the reset button on your router while it’s plugged in.

Usually, it’s on the back or side of the device.

  1. Using the pin or paperclip, hold down the reset button for around 10 seconds.
  2. Release the button and wait for the router to turn back on.

Again, test your internet connection to see if it’s working. If all else fails, contact your ISP.

Warning: Doing a reset will change the configurations back to the factory settings. 

Learn More: How to reset your router if you have Google Wi-Fi

Move your router closer 

What if your Roku unit is the only device that doesn’t have internet?

Don’t worry, I still got you.

What you may be experiencing are signal issues.

So your Wi-Fi may be out of reach for your Roku device.

Then a quick solution is to move your router closer.

Even if it’s temporary, check if moving either your Wi-Fi router or Roku device solves the problem.

If it does, then make it a permanent arrangement.

But I know that sometimes, it’s just not possible.

In that case, you need a Wi-Fi extender. You may even consider buying an all-new router that’s stronger and better.

Tip: If your Roku has an Ethernet port, use a LAN cable instead of Wi-Fi. A wired connection is more stable as it doesn’t face the same problems as Wi-Fi connections. It won’t be subjected to signal issues and the like.

#3. Inspect all cables connected to your Roku

What I like about Roku is that it comes with only a few cables.

Which is great if you’re all about that minimalist aesthetic.

Then what are you looking for when inspecting?

First off, check if all the connections are still tightly inserted.

If your Roku is connected to several TVs, check them all.

Moreover, watch out for any faulty cable.

For example…

Pets or pests may have damaged a cable, exposing the wiring.

When that happens, it’s not only annoying but also dangerous. That’s because an unsuspecting victim might experience an electric shock or electrocution.

So before it leads to more serious issues than a blinking light, replace the cable right away.

Don’t see anything wrong with your cables?

Then try unplugging them all from all ports and inserting them again.

When you remove the power cord, it also performs a system restart. For this, wait for about 10 seconds before plugging it back in.

And while you’re at it, make sure to straighten out the cables.

Because any kinks may make them more vulnerable to damage.

Tip: If you have one on hand, try a different HDMI cable. Otherwise, consider buying a new HDMI cable if the other tips don’t work for you, as well.

Test the ports on your TV

Don’t assume your TV is innocent…

So inspect its ports, too.

All you have to do is use another HDMI port, and see if that works.

Plus, you don’t have to configure anything else…

Just remember to switch to the new HDMI channel.

When that doesn’t work…

We can’t still dismiss the chance that there’s something wrong with your TV.

So this is where another TV unit comes in handy. As long as it has an HDMI port, you can use your Roku on it.

Again, test different HDMI cables.


That’s to ensure your problem is neither the port nor the connector.

Then observe the white light, or do a thorough test on Roku.

Read more: Does Roku Work On Any TV? 5 Surprising Answers

#4. Update your Roku’s firmware

Update Your Roku's Firmware

When was the last time you updated your Roku?

Chances are, you don’t remember – I know I don’t.

But that’s only because Roku downloads and installs its updates automatically.

Plus, it won’t even interrupt you during the process.

That being said, you can always check manually…

Especially if the blinking white light continues to pester you.

So here’s how to check for updates:

  1. On your remote, press ‘Home’.
  2. Select ‘Settings’ > ‘System’.
  3. Then click ‘System update’.
  4. Select ‘Check now’.

After which, the system will check for an available update.

At this point, you don’t have to do anything else. Because Roku will automatically download and install the file if there’s an update. 

Then you’ll know when it’s done when Roku reboots.

Now, did this solve your blinking white light problem?

If not, keep on reading.

#5. Contact Roku’s customer support

So, the blinking white light problem isn’t going away…

After much troubleshooting with no solution in sight…

It’s time to get help from big guys as a last resort.

That’s because your issue might be the hardware. With that, you need the manufacturer’s help.

The bad news is that Roku doesn’t have the best customer support out there.

Furthermore, its online support is quite limited.

For example…

Its online contact form offers a limited range of categories.

More so, it doesn’t have an option for requesting support for blinking lights…

… Unless you plan to return the device, that is.

Rather, Roku encourages you to refer to their support page and community for help.

But still, try calling 816-272-8106 to get in touch with a customer support agent.