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3 Ways To Get Rid Of White Dots On Samsung TV (2023 How-To)

How To Get Rid Of White Dots On Samsung TV

So my neighbor says: “Hey Peter, try wiping those white dots with a cloth”.

I get a clean, lint-free cloth.

Run the cloth over the white dots. 


Epic fail. 

Obviously, right?

That would’ve worked if it were cake icing. 

But I have a better solution. 

Continue reading to find out:

  • How much it costs to fix a white spot on your TV.
  • 3 ways to get rid of white dots on your Samsung TV.
  • What causes the white dots on your Samsung TV screen. 
  • If white spots call for a TV part replacement, a new screen, or a new TV.
  • And many more…

What causes white dots on TV screens?

White dots on TV screens are caused by overheating or a damaged processor. Electricity surges can also contribute to white dots appearing on your TV screen. Lastly, a fallen reflector is another cause of white dots. The number of fallen reflectors refers to the number of white dots on your TV.

How to get rid of white dots on Samsung TV: 3 Ways

#1: Do a picture test

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of this guide, there’s an easy fix worth trying. 

Samsung TVs have a setting feature called “Picture Test”. What this does is it tells you whether the problem is caused by your TV. 

Your Samsung TV will display high-definition pictures so you can check for any flaws. 

After performing the test, it should solve your problem. 

The best part? It only takes a minute to do. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to your Samsung TV home screen.
  2. Tap “Settings”. (keep scrolling left until you hit the gear icon)
  3. Click “Support”. (located below “System”)
  4. Tap Self Diagnosis. 
  5. Select Picture Test.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  7. Check if your TV screen has white dots.

If a Picture Test doesn’t solve your problem, it’s likely a hardware problem.

That means it could either be any of the following:

  • Overheating issues.
  • Damaged processor.
  • Fallen reflector or plastic lens.

Read next: White Spots On TV Screen: Causes & Proven Fixes

#2: Replace your fallen reflectors

Reflectors are responsible for scattering the LED light of your TV screen. 

Without reflectors in place, all you see are bright white dots on your TV. 

Now, here’s the problem. Reflectors are only glued in place. 

If the work was done poorly, those reflectors could easily fall off. 

As a result, you have to manually glue these reflectors back in place. Below is a list of steps to glue your fallen reflectors and get rid of your TV’s white dots.

7 steps to get rid of white dots on your Samsung TV

What you’ll need for this: 

Warning: It’s better to do these steps with a friend or someone with good experience with LED TVs. This process can be time-consuming and lead to more damage if you’re not careful.

If you want help from Samsung’s technicians, you can always give them a call. 

Step 1: Remove the back cover of your TV.
Remove Back Cover Of Samsung TV

Removing your Samsung TV’s back cover is simple. All you have to do is unscrew all the screws: 

  1. Cover your table with a towel or blanket. 
  2. Place the TV on top of your towel or blanket. 
  3. Make sure your TV screen is facing down.
  4. Remove the screws at the back of your Samsung TV.
  5. Set aside all your screws in a safe container.
Step 2: Pull off the plastic cover.

Your Samsung TV should have a plastic cover protecting the screen. The plastic cover is where the label “Samsung” is on your TV. 

Remove it using a stiff putty knife.

Step 3: Disconnect your ribbon cables.

Gently lift your ribbon cable as if you’re teasing them. Keep doing this until you remove the ribbon cable. 

Step 4: Remove the LED screen.

Carefully lift your LED screen and set it in a safe space. 

Note: Make sure it’s safe from any scratches or items that could cause further damage to your TV.

Step 5: Take off the plastic frame. 

Your plastic frame is the side cover that surrounds the white sheet on your Samsung TV. 

You’ll immediately be able to tell after lifting your LED screen. Here’s how to remove it:

  1. Unclip the tabs holding your plastic frame in place. 
  2. Note: You don’t need a tool for this. 
  3. Gently unclip each tab and remove the entire plastic frame.
Step 6: Lift the white sheet 

You should see all your plastic reflectors now. 

Some also refer to these as diffusor lenses or plastic lenses.  

You can easily tell your plastic lenses are loose because they aren’t fixed in place. 

Your plastic lenses are attached on the top of your TV’s LEDs. The main purpose of a plastic lens is to scatter the LED light. 

In effect, you get a bright LED screen. But when these plastic lenses are detached, you get white spots on your TV. 

So, what next? 

Step 7: Glue the fallen plastic lenses back in place 

Around your LED, you should see 3 holes. 

At the bottom of your plastic lens, you should also see 3 posts (They also look like holes).

The location of those 3 posts around your plastic lens should match the 3 holes in your LED. 

Basically, you should lock these posts in place with the holes in your LED. 

Think of it as if you’re connecting Lego pieces together. 

Now, how do you glue your plastic lens? 

First, you’ll need a toothpick or Q-tip

You’ll know you’ve firmly attached the plastic lens to your LED because it won’t rotate when you try to move it. 

Here’s how to safely and accurately glue your plastic lens back in place:

Step 7.1: First, create a puddle of glue on any piece of paper. 

Step 7.2: The puddle should be as big as an aspirin tablet.

Step 7.3: Grab your toothpick and gently coat the tip with glue.

Step 7.4: Paste the glue onto each of the holes that surround your LED.

Step 7.5: Attach your plastic lens to your LED. 

Step 7.6: Make sure the posts of your plastic lens lock with the holes in your LED.

Step 7.7: Let it dry for a good 10 to 15 minutes. 

Step 7.8: Glue each plastic lens one at a time to avoid errors.

Step 7.9: To test if the glue has dried, try moving the plastic lens in case it needs more glue.

Step 7.10: Do this for all plastic lenses that have fallen off.

Step 7.11: Once they’re all dried, reassemble your TV back together.

For a complete tutorial of steps 1 to 7, here’s a video on how to do it: 

#3: Get a proper diagnosis by a licensed professional

Fallen reflectors aren’t the worst-case scenario.

It’s much harder when the white spots on your TV are due to a damaged processor.

For cases like these, it’s time to call a professional.

Damaged processors require professional work. 

It’s not something you want to tinker with.

The worst that can happen is damaging other parts of your Samsung TV. That means higher repair costs and even voiding your warranty. 

On that note, check your TV’s warranty. 

The average warranty period for Samsung TVs is: 

  • 1 year for parts and labor.
  • 6 months for accessories.

It also helps to go to the nearest Samsung service center in your area. Have an authorized Samsung professional diagnose your TV.

Depending on the diagnosis, how do you know what the right next step is? 

Head over to the next section and find out.

Frequently asked questions

When should I replace my Samsung TV screen?

There are 3 ways you’ll know it’s time to replace your Samsung TV screen:

  1. The cause of your TV issue is a damaged processor. 
  2. The cost of your repairs is higher than a screen replacement.
  3. Your Samsung TV has extensive damage that can’t be repaired easily.

When your repairs become too expensive to handle, you can either:

  1. Buy a new TV
  2. Replace your Samsung TV screen.

Personally, I feel it’s almost always better to buy a new TV. 

TVs nowadays aren’t as costly. Plus, with better upgrades to LED TVs today, it may be time for an upgrade. 

What’s the average cost to repair a white dot on a Samsung TV?

The average cost to repair a white dot on a Samsung TV can range between $75 to $200. 

Of course, this also depends on several factors, such as: 

  • Is your Samsung TV’s processor damaged?
  • Does your Samsung TV need new replacement parts?
  • Is there warranty coverage for the specific part you need? 
  • Are your reflectors the only cause of the white dots on your Samsung TV?

These are only a few questions to think of. However, all these contribute to the labor costs and overall service fees. 

Samsung actually has a few replacement parts you can buy on their official website. 

Either way, before doing any of that, make sure a professional thoroughly inspects your TV.