I recently bought myself a Fubo TV subscription.
The only problem now was connecting it to my Samsung television.
At first, I thought this would be difficult to do, but surprisingly…
It was quite easy.
Read on to find out:
- How to watch Fubo TV by using a streaming device.
- 4 easy steps to connect Fubo TV to your Samsung TV.
- A creative way to watch Fubo TV on your Samsung TV without using the app.
- And lots more…
How to connect Fubo TV to a Samsung TV? 4 Steps
Step #1: Connect your Samsung smart TV to the internet
If you have a Samsung smart TV model from around 2015 until the present, it can connect to the internet.
This makes your TV basically smart.
Now, you can connect your Samsung TV to the internet in 2 simple ways:
- Wirelessly by linking it to your router’s Wi-Fi network.
- Wired via an ethernet cable by plugging it into the LAN port from your Samsung TV and router.
If you want to do it wirelessly, you can follow these 9 simple steps:
- Push the Home button on your Samsung remote control.
- Go to Settings.
- Select General.
- Then go to Network.
- Choose Open Network Settings.
- Select Wireless.
- Then look for the name of your Wi-Fi network and select it.
- Fill in the password.
- Select Go.
And you’re done and ready to…
Step #2: Open the Smart Hub menu
The Samsung Smart Hub is the menu system of your Samsung TV.
Here you can access all the great capabilities like games, browsing, and most important: apps.
You can simply access the Smart Hub by pressing the Home or Smart Hub button on your remote control.
Then navigate to Apps and…
Step #3: Look for the Fubo TV app and install it
You can find all the apps you want to install in the apps section.
First, we must search for the Fubo TV app and get it on your Samsung TV.
It’s easy with these 5 steps:
- Select the Search icon (magnifying glass) in the top right corner.
- Type in Fubo TV.
- Select Done.
- Choose the Fubo TV app.
- Select Install.
Note: The video-on-demand is not completely supported on 2015 – 2017 Samsung TV models.
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Step #4: Connect your Fubo TV account to your Samsung TV
When the Fubo TV app is installed, you need to open it.
After it’s launched, it will ask you to sign in.
You can choose between 2 easy ways how to do that:
- Sign in with email.
- Sign in with a code.
Note: If you don’t have a Fubo TV account, create one first.
Now, signing in with e-mail is simple.
Just choose the SIGN IN WTH EMAIL option when you open the Fubo TV app and fill in your email and password.
But signing in with a code goes a bit differently.
Just take these 4 easy steps:

- Open the Fubo TV app.
- Select SIGN IN WITH A CODE, and the TV will display the code.
- Then go on your phone, tablet, or computer and head on to this link.
- Fill in the code and choose Submit.
- If it works, you’ll receive a confirmation screen, and the Fubo TV app will open on the Home screen of your Samsung TV.
Note: The code is valid for 5 minutes.
And that’s it!
You can now start streaming your favorite shows and sports on the Fubo TV app on your Samsung TV.
But hold on.
If the Fubo TV app doesn’t work on your Samsung smart TV because of reasons like:
- Your Samsung TV is not compatible with the Fubo TV app.
- The Fubo TV app doesn’t work properly on your Samsung TV.
Then game over? Replace your TV?
Luckily not!
There are different creative ways to still watch Fubo TV on your Samsung TV.
I figured it out and found 3 very nice ways to do that.
#1: Watch Fubo TV via the browser
Samsung created its own browser for its smart TVs, called: Samsung Internet.
But if you rather want to use a more popular one, then I suggest using:
- Opera.
- Mozilla Firefox.
- Google Chrome.
After that, it becomes easy by taking these 4 steps:
- Launch the browser of your choice.
- Go to the Fubo TV website.
- Log in with your credentials.
- Choose your favorite channel or TV show and start streaming.
Easy peasy!
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#2: Watch Fubo TV via a streaming device
When the smart TVs just came out, many people had difficulties with the smart menus.
They were slow and very confusing.
Because of that, tech companies saw this as an opportunity and created their own streaming devices.
They’re simple to connect with your smart TV and much easier to use.
My personal favorites streaming devices are:
Perhaps you‘re in luck and already own one of these.
Then, plug them in one of your Samsung TV’s HDMI ports, add the Fubo TV app, and you’re done.
If you have to happen a Roku device, then you can check out this helpful video on how to get Fubo TV:
Plus, you can connect your smartphone to these streaming devices.
That way, you can stream Fubo TV to the Samsung TV via your smartphone.
Now, ain’t that something!
#3: Apple Airplay
Some Samsung TV models have built-in Apple Airplay already.
This lets you show your videos, images, and much more to your Samsung TV.
And guess what?
You can also use Airplay to stream Fubo TV directly to your Samsung TV.
But there’s a small catch: you’ll need an Apple device like an iPhone or iPad to use this feature.
So, if you have one, it becomes effortless by taking these 5 steps:
- Install the Fubo TV app on your Apple device.
- Log in with your credentials.
- Open a channel or show and start playing.
- Select the Airplay icon (it looks like a rectangle with an arrow pointing up).
- Pick your Samsung smart TV.
And you’re done.